Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Good and Bad of Globalization

Globalization is a modern concept referring to the development of a particular commodity, to make possible international influence or operation.  This can be seen in either a positive or negative way. 

One of the positives of globalization is that it allows developing countries a greater opportunity to economically succeed and increase their standard of living.  There is also an increase in competition amongst globalization.  This forces companies to lower their prices, benefiting the end consumers.  Increased media coverage draws attention the human right violations, and therefore there is an improvement in human rights.  Global competition also encourages creativity and innovation and keeps prices for commodities and services in check.  Developing countries are able to reap the benefits of current technology through globalization without undergoing many of the pains associated with development of these technologies.  Governments are also able to better work together towards a common goal now that there is an advantage in cooperation, an improved ability to interact and coordinate, and a global awareness of issues.  Lastly, there is a greater access to foreign culture in the form of movies, music, food, clothing, etc.  The world has much more choices. 

Along with advantages, there are disadvantages.  These include things such as the rich getting richer and the poor becoming poorer.  Outsourcing, even though it provides jobs to a population in one country, can take away those jobs from another country, leaving many without opportunities.  Different cultures are able to interact and share their ideas and innovations, but everything is beginning to meld, and there is now a greater loss of tradition and culture.  There is also a greater chance that disease will spread worldwide, as well as invasive species that could be devastating in non-native ecosystems.  Another big negative is that there is little international regulation, which is an unfortunate fact that could have dire consequences on the safety of people and the environment.  Fast food chains, like McDonalds and Burger King, are spreading to the developing world.  This means that there is more consumption of junk foods, and this results in an adverse impact on people's health and a rise in chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. 
Globalization, just like everything else in the world, has its positives and its negatives.  I believe that globalization is important in this modern day we live in, and that the advantages of it outweigh the disadvantages.  I hope that stands true years from now.



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